
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome to New Mexico

I have to make sure I keep thinking of this as fun - something I'm doing because I want to, not as an obligation, if I'm going to manage to write daily for the next 30 days. I'm not used to having to write this often, I usually write once a week or less and it all turns out fine. I can only hope this does too. 

As a hobbyist writer, I write when I'm inspired to write, and that's it. I don't have a job where I am expected to publish articles by deadlines. I never plan to, either.

My writing, and especially my poetry, have always been something of a personal journey for me. Something I like to share with the readers of my self titled blog, Balaram Briant, but that I do on my own time, privately. I can't even write poetry without a muse. Believe me, I've tried.

I guess this is what makes it hard for me to write in front of others, under pressure. My mind refuses to go into the reflective, meditative space that allows me to write what I do. I have no problem sharing my finished work, however.

I started this blog separately because I'm frankly worried of ruining the not so bad name of my main blog with ill inspired posts.  This project should help me to write better for my other blog in the long term, but for now this is my New Mexico for nuclear experiments.

It will be a challenge to fully open up my heart everyday, I'm no saint so it won't be pretty. 

Maybe you want to get to know someone you didn't before, or maybe you'll just get caught up in these 30 moments. I you wish, you can share the journey with me. I hope you like the desert. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah! An excellent idea Bali! Although I must caution you: if you have engaged expressing yourself through the written word as a personal journey, then -like every journey- it will be characterized by more than just fun. Life was not deigned to be a ride on a merry-go-round, as you know. I would therefore suggest that you reassess your perspective and consider adjusting your expectations. Do not aim for mere “fun”, and I promise you there will be something much more rewarding on the other side of this brave discipline you are undertaking.

    What I mean to say is don’t let yourself be discouraged if it’s not all fun. You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment. Instead, I propose approaching each blog post free of any expectations at all. Just write every day, as Srila Prabupada said to Satvarupa once. Write every day without judging what you write. It may become difficult, (especially with an audience, as select as it may be), but there are pleasant surprises tucked into even the most grueling of tasks. As you know, Prabhupada also said that regulation is liberating. That is true here, with writing as well.

    In my own personal experience I’ve found that writing deadlines challenge me to draw from inner resources I never knew I had before, and evolve my relationship with my own written expressions into all kinds of new and unexpected directions. Ironically, you may emerge from this self-imposed time constraint feeling more freed into your writing. And surely you jest when you insinuate that what you leave us behind will be as toxic as the nuclear waste that now litters the southwestern deserts. Experimental? Yes. Toxic? No. And most definitely explosive!

    I feel most honored to have been invited to witness your creative expressions, as they’ll burst onto these digital pages for the next thirty days. Thank you for thinking of me, as I have been lacking inspiration in my own writing lately. You offer me a much-needed reminder that sometimes one just has to write for the sake of writing! Everything else will follow. On your mark, get set, go! I am buckling my seat belt.
