
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Introducing Me

Have we met before? You look familiar. What's that? Who am I?

Often I am asked to describe myself, on paper, on websites, by people. I never know what to say.

"What does it say about me," I always wondered, "that I don't even know who I am well enough to write a paragraph or two?"

My friends and acquaintances know me by my actions, but websites, papers, and strangers don't know me by my actions. They've never met me. Perhaps you've never met me. After you read this you may or may not want to meet me. If I were you, I can't be sure I would want to meet me. But I don't have that choice.

I make mistakes more than I do right. I don't learn from them ninety percent of the time. Im not particularly good with people, but I'm not bad with them either. If people don't like me it's because they see my faults and not my virtues; I can't blame them because I have more faults than virtues. I see peoples faults more than their virtues too.

But I do have virtues; I try to remind myself of them when I'm feeling down. I'm bad at a lot of useless things and I'm good at a few even more useless things. I can say though that I try to be good at the actually important things. My attempts are feeble. Most of the time I don't even want to be good at the useful things, but I want to want to be good at them. I can say that for sure.

I've been given more opportunities than I can thank others for and I've wasted more opportunities than I've been given. I can't remember a time that I was ever doing everything I should, that I couldn't have done better. But that seems to me to be part of life. That there's always room to grow.

There's another part of life that I haven't been able to find a way around. In the process of growing up I've had, and I think we all have, to forge our own path. And in doing so it seems at times that I disrespect those that came before me. That by not following their path, I am not grateful to them for offering it to me. So this is me thanking you all, my parents, mentors, teachers, friends, elders, brothers, sisters. I thank you but I must find my own identity, my own way.

I am not what I should be, and I will never reach the limit for what I can be, but I am who I am.

I would give my life for my ideals, my loved ones, and my God. I can only hope that those people who know me will forgive me for what I've done and what I may do.

But I'm sorry, we haven't been formally introduced yet. My name is Balaram Briant. What's your name?

1 comment:

  1. I like your honesty Balaram. When writers look at themselves so honestly it helps readers, like me, look at ourselves honestly too. We all need to keep growing, to appreciate our growth, those who have and will help us grow and to inspire others. I find such honesty very helpful, thanks!
