
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I tend to be depressed. It comes from looking too much at the bad things and not enough at the good. It’s a simple fix, but it does take effort.  Some people are naturally happy and some sad. The happy are by far the wiser. 

The mind is a powerful tool; it is possible to be always happy. If I’m just satisfied, not always wanting change, nor being afraid of it, then I can be happy.

Perhaps it is far easier to change the world than change oneself. I wouldn’t know, having never done either.

 It is so easy to be influenced by others but hard to influence myself. Most of the time I think I am influencing myself while I let others change me. 

And why can’t it be easy to pick who influences me?

There is always a desire to be unique but it is never as strong as the desire to be liked. 

Nobody is who they say they are and very few are who they want to be. 

It is hard to tell which is wanted more; adventure, freedom, love, or popularity.

1 comment:

  1. "There is always a desire to be unique but it is never as strong as the desire to be liked." Wow, this stood out to me.
