Every writer wants to make a change. We want to be heard and given credit. We want even more to give something and even if it's just a smile to your day we are happy.
I do not feel that I have any talent. When I've written a great poem I was given the lines and the rhythm and the rhymes by someone else. I sat and collected onto a sheet of paper what was whispered into my ear by angels. I later forgot any glory that I was given and signed my name onto that paper and proclaimed it mine and that was not right.
I think many cannot take seriously what is writ by a fourteen year old, I have not faced the trials, they think, that they themselves have faced. I ask for remembrance of those angels.
I believe that as writers we make ourselves vulnerable to give to you, but also we feel every stroke of the blade of fate tenfold for our walls are down.
I have not faced what brings pain to someone that is closed to avoid that pain. I face only the relative pain that is felt by those that would feel it and hope to make stronger themselves by the feeling and by sharing their realizations. I ask only for a second of your time that you should ponder whether this pain is any less.
I want only to be understood and I want more for you to take into your heart these words even if it is not me who has writ them. I want a connection that has to be two sided.
What it means to be a writer is to give and take the pain and change it and give it again.
Smile for you will make generations of poets successful in their attempts at this connection.
Smile and accept these gifts.
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